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Ultrasound Certification Exam Guide

If you’re aiming to be a professional sonographer, getting certified is essential. Most employers and some state health departments require it. This guide will help you prepare for the ultrasound certification exams offered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography® (ARDMS), the American Registry for Radiologic Technologists (AART), Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), and the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO).

Getting Certified: What You Need to Know

Certification proves your skills in ultrasound technology. It’s more than just an exam; it’s about showing you’re qualified and committed to high standards. Each organization offering certification has different rules and fees, which we’ve outlined here to help you get started.

Prerequisites for Certification

Each certifying body has specific requirements:

  • ARDMS: Requires a healthcare-related degree and clinical experience. Check their website for all the details.
  • ARRT: Needs an Associate’s Degree or a completed educational program in sonography.
  • CCI: Offers several exams, each with its prerequisites like a high school diploma and specific qualifications.
  • JCAHPO: Requires a high school diploma and completion of an educational program in the field.

Exam Expectations

Each organization has different exams:

  • ARDMS: Has exams like RDMS, RDCS, and RVT, all requiring two tests – the SPI and a specialty exam.
  • ARRT: Offers a sonography exam, focusing on knowledge and skills needed in the field.
  • CCI: Tests reflect a sonographer’s job duties and skills.
  • JCAHPO: Various exams focusing on different aspects of ophthalmic sonography.

Where to Take the Exams

Most exams are held at Pearson VUE test centers. JCAHPO exams are at Prometric Test Centers.

Exam Costs

Costs vary by organization:

  • ARDMS: Charges a processing fee plus exam fees.
  • ARRT: Has an application fee.
  • CCI: Exam fees range with an additional filing fee.
  • JCAHPO: Charges for their exams.

Why Get Certified?

Certification boosts your job prospects and can help you earn a higher salary. It shows employers you’re skilled and knowledgeable.

Online Testing

Currently, these organizations don’t offer online exams, but online practice tests are available.

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